Sunday, December 5, 2010

matchbox #5

Today's box comes from Wendy Ford. It is so pretty!  I like that she used fabric on it, because I did on mine also! and the pleated trim is great! Inside the box is a little tiny mitten. I love mittens. One of the children books I so loved  Is 'The Mitten" where all the little woodland critters take refuge in it. So special. Thank you Wendy


Mrs A. said...

I have a box from Wendy too.I wonder whats in my box! Valerie W.

Linda said...

great matchboxes!

Linda said...

so sweet!

Wendy said...

I am so glad that you liked the box. I had a great time making these.

Erica said...

I LOVE the little mice you put in your boxes that I've seen on other blogs. Did you make them?